Patience Wavinya - Sponsor Now

•Patience lives with both parents and her sister in Kangemi slum. She is the youngest in her family. They all live together in a sheet metal room. She is a polite and hardworking girl. Her performance is average which could be due to her inability to stay in school regularly
•Her parents struggle very hard to provide for their daily needs. The father, Peter Rirungu, is a gate man at the Prince of Peace Academy while the mother, Janet Midecha, depends on temporary jobs such as washing clothes and doing house chores for the locals in the neighborhood.
•Providing for important basic needs like food and school fees is the biggest challenge the family is currently facing. They go many days without food and Patience is out of school most of the time because of lack of school fees. The little income both parents get is not enough to cater for all their needs.
•She needs help in order to proceed with her education.
James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”