Heart To Heart Orphans USA (HTHOU) was started to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by serving those less fortunate. In 2013, a young lady named Elizabeth was stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. She was given an opportunity to give a presentation to some members of her local church. The presentation highlighted a visit she made to see her brother, a missionary in Sudan. While in Sudan, she traveled to Kenya and visited a ministry called Heart To Heart Orphans Children Centre (HTHOCC. The presentation featured the poverty of the slums and the many needs of the people in Kenya. It was at that time that the Norvell's became interested and wanted to become involved. Elizabeth connected them up with Mary Khainga, one of the founding members from the Heart to Heart organization in Nairobi.
This connection allowed the Norvell's to provide different means of sponsorship for individuals. In 2017, they traveled to Kenya to visit HTHOCC. While there, they met the people they sponsored and saw firsthand how God was using Mary and the staff of Heart To Heart to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They saw how lives had been transformed and they the love for Jesus in those who had so little. They also observed the many needs that still needed to be met. Matthew 9:37 - Then saith he unto his disciples, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few;”. Upon their return to the United States, after praying in earnest, they felt the Lord was calling them to start Heart to Heart Orphans USA.
Ministry Headquarters in Jacksonville, NC USA
Heart to Heart Orphan Children Center Nairobi, Kenya